The Lancet Publishes Sepsis Survivors’ Call to European Leaders

The Lancet published the Sepsis Survivor’s call to EU leaders to develop the European Sepsis Plan as the follow-up to the September 9 Sepsis patients summit convened in Paris by Sepsis Stronger Together consortium in partnership with the Global Sepsis Alliance and the European Sepsis Alliance.

The September 9 summit “Revealing the Burden of Sepsis” convened on the occasion of the 2024 World Sepsis Day, brought together Sepsis survivors and grieving families from all over Europe.

The summit focused on sharing good practices across Europe, empowering and creating awareness, inspiring health professionals, and conquering sepsis and its long-term consequences.  

Dr. Mariam Jashi, CEO of the Global Sepsis Alliance, and Simone Mancini, GSA Coordinator of the Regional Sepsis Alliances, joined the event. Mariam Jashi delivered a presentation on the 2030 Global Agenda for Sepsis in the opening session and highlighted the urgency of action against sepsis, at both the EU and global level.

Paris Declaration, a Call to Action to EU public health authorities demanding the development of a European sepsis plan was issued as an outcome document of the event, covering the following 8 recommendations:   

  1. Early detection and treatment

  2. Comprehensive patient information

  3. Proper documentation and registration

  4. Clinical pathway development

  5. National public health campaigns

  6. Educational programs

  7. Universal access to sepsis management

  8. Investments in sepsis research

The Paris Declaration and its 8 recommendations complement the 2030 Global Agenda for Sepsis, as sepsis patients call upon the EU leaders to urgently prioritize Sepsis, accounting for 680,000 deaths in the region every year.

Sepsis claims more lives annually than prostate and breast cancer and HIV/AIDS combined. So why not prioritize this medical emergency and global health threat? Infectious diseases and sepsis do not recognize borders; European countries face similar challenges, so why not share experiences and develop an action plan on a European level?

**‘Revealing the Burden of Sepsis’** was fully patient-driven: patients, grieving families, and patient organizations united in the Sepsis Stronger Together consortium, took the lead. The summit was supported by the Global Sepsis Alliance (GSA), the European Sepsis Alliances (ESA), FHU Sepsis, IHU PROMETHEUS, and 101Fund – an impressive example of patient participation, rarely seen before.

For more information on the Call to Action, please contact Sepsis Stronger Together or check out the Lancet publication.

Marvin Zick